Apologies for not being active on the blogosphere over the past few weeks, this is the first time I have had proper wifi (sat in a local spoons) and so I am just catching up on myself!
So I have started rehearsals for my first professional contract and well, they're pretty much what they told us in college they would be... And then some!!!
My amazing team - Balmoral 2014/15
So yeah, rehearsals have been really intense! I work 12hrs a day, 6 days a week with a day off but that is usually spent rehearsing! Obviously Id be lying if I said I love EVERY minute of it because it is really hard, Im only 19 and being my first contract emotions are running high, luckily, I have an amazing team and we all support each other no matter what! It sounds so cheesy but we genuinely have become a family and its inspirational working with such talented people!
I won't bore you with all the details but we are learning all our shows which are your typical revue shows, however unlike most companies we are all expected too sing and dance and act throughout all of them, so the amount I am learning is incredible, but also teaching as well, we all have our niche within in the team whether it be singing certain styles or having the edge in certain genres and its just incredible working as part of a team that has the same goal and the same drive for perfection!
The days can be long and hard though, my brain was frazzled in the first days learning all the singing then my body was destroyed with 5 days of physical before starting the process all over again! The pace in which you have to learn shows is crazy too, but if it was all a breeze, we wouldn't be there would we?! We learn a show in 6 days, thats vocals, dancing, the lot. We also have the help of amazing choreographers and Musical Directors and an excellent rehearsals space. We do get treated really well and I do feel very blessed.
The interesting part will be when it all transfers to the ship, we dock in southampton but we found out during install we dry dock in Hamburg for 2 weeks which will be incredible! I shall try and keep you posted but I just thought Ill update you all and let you know that I will be catching up on all the blogg work! Anyone started considering their essay for the module 1? Let me know :)
Ant x