Friday 11 December 2015

My "Game Plan" for my artefact!

So across this course, I have had many occasions where things have suddenly just clicked, and with my artefact, after ages spent tossing ideas around it finally occurred to me how best to present not only my findings but my whole journey across the course.

After some excellent feedback from my tutor Adesola, I decided that for my artefact I wanted to produce a game!

A board game to be exact, and it will be called "Ship Mate". A board game that is designed to bring a team closer together as its a group activity and also present my findings about relationships within a working environment! The fact that it is also ship specific relates to how most of my research revolved around a cruise ship and the journey that you take within the game represents the journey I took.

I have uploaded a sample of the board so I can explain further:

As you can see, there are anchors and rigging; you slide down the anchors and climb the rigging, representing how my jounrey of BAPP was full of ups and downs. There are various squares with ship related scenarios on i.e. IPM (In port manning) which is ship specific terminology to help the users get to grips with it and also crew cards; these will be cards that represent my findings with relationship specific challenges or even just anecdotal trick cards such as: Crew part hangover, miss a go!

This is just the starting prototype and I am really excited to develop it further and design the rule book along with it!

How is everyone else doing with their artefacts??